Content by and about the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL).

Medication Safety is among the top priorities of health care organizations across the country. Multi-disciplinary teams are continuously developing innovative ways to improve Patient safety while increasing efficiency.
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The American Hospital Association (AHA) and its Physician Alliance this week released a guide to aid hospital and health system leaders in prioritizing and supporting a robust succession planning program for their organization.
Patients enrolled in a sepsis transition program using nurse navigators to deliver best-practice care during and after hospitalization were less likely to be re-hospitalized or die, a study found.
In an American Hospital Association (AHA) podcast, two clinicians from Ochsner Medical Center, New Orleans, explain how their organization made significant quality improvements.
Implementation of rapid response teams were not associated with a reduction in hospital deaths, according to a study with a large and diverse sample of U.S. hospitals.
Hospital room features, such as distance from a nursing station, staying in a single room and having a direct line of sight to clinicians could influence a patient’s clinical outcomes after surgery, according to a study.