CENP Recertification
The recertification cycle for the Certified in Executive Nursing Practice (CENP) credential is three years, with expiration on the last day of the month in which certification expires. Recertification may be achieved by completing eligible continuing professional development (CPD) activities or retaking and passing the CENP Examination.
The issued CENP certificate indicates the date certification was earned and expires. While the AONL Credentialing Center (AONL-CC) sends reminders about pending certification recertification, the AONL-CC is not responsible for missed communications due to outdated contact information. The certificant is responsible for keeping his or her record current.
Recertification Applications must be submitted to the AONL-CC no earlier than one year and no later than 30 days past the expiration date.
Recertification applications submitted after the expiration date fall within the grace period and are assessed a late fee. Applications submitted more than 30 days past the expiration date are considered delinquent and will not be accepted.
A certificant who fails to meet the recertification requirements is no longer considered certified and must cease using the certification credential and merchandise representative of having achieved certification. Certification may be regained only through retaking and passing the CENP Examination.