
The latest stories from AHA Today.

Health facilities should evaluate touch-free automatic foam alcohol-based hand rub outputs and consider consistent dosing for effective hand hygiene, a study concluded.
The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology issued curriculum guidelines to assist undergraduate, certificate and graduate programs in aligning their inflection prevention and control curriculum.
Careful prescribing of antibiotic use at hospital discharge could slow the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance, a study found.
St. Louis Children’s Hospital’s Raising St. Louis program provides multidisciplinary home visitation teams comprised of nurses, social workers and community health workers for mothers during the prenatal period and until their child reaches age 5.
Infectious disease experts say removing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website ─ as well as other federal health websites ─ is putting patient care and public health at risk.
Health care worker visa applications fell 4.6% in 2024 compared with 2023, but at 24,733 remain significantly higher than 2018, a report found.
Nurse executives seeking to recruit and retain nurse anesthetists in rural areas should prioritize work-life balance with flexibility in scheduling, according to a Journal of Nursing Administration study.
Researchers developed a self-assessment questionnaire to evaluate nursing professionals’ self-perceptions of competencies in addressing the social determinants of health.
CNOs should collaborate with social media influencers to share authentic stories about nursing and shape the narrative positively, says AONL CEO Claire Zangerle, DNP, RN.
Many of the 73 leaders who have participated in the Coldiron Senior Nurse Executive Leadership program have gone on to publish leadership articles in Nurse Leader, been named fellows in the American Academy of Nursing and progressed in leadership roles, according to a Nurse Leader article.