Renew Your Membership
Renew Today!
Renew your AONL membership to maintain your access to nursing leadership publications, resources and information.
If you are working toward your CENP or CNML certification, looking for your next nurse leader job or assessing and improving your competencies, AONL membership can help you get there.
Renewal Options

Renew today through the AONL store. If you do not already have an account on the AONL store, click on the "create an account" link on the login page.

Call the AONL member services at (312) 422-2800 and they will be able to assist you with your membership renewal.

Log in and click on Order History to print your invoice. Send check payment to: AONL/AHA, P.O. Box 92592, Chicago, IL 60675-2592

Group memberships cannot be renewed online. If you are a part of a group membership, please contact AONL (312) 422-2800 to renew your AONL Membership.
Learn more about group membership information and how to receive a discounted membership rate when joining as a group.
Keep your AONL Member Benefits
Member Directory
With your AONL membership you have access to the AONL membership directory. The directory allows you to search for members who have similar activities, certifications and nursing leadership interests.
Voice of Nursing Leadership Magazine
Written by AONL members and other notable health care and nursing experts, Voice showcases excellence and innovation in nursing and patient care leadership throughout the continuum of care.
Leader2Leader Member Community
Networking is a key component of AONL membership. Through the Leader2Leader Member Community, members can build profiles, start discussions, share files and find mentors.
Leader2Leader Mentor Match
The AONL mentor match connects members from across the country for nursing leadership skill development through mentoring and personal relationships.