
Research with the Nursing Value Workgroup has worked on the concept of using electronic medical record data to determine the cost of nursing care over the past five years.
Nurses have a long history of becoming part of the political process. Learn about nurses who are running in the 2020 election and find out how you can get involved.
The CNML & CENP Certification contains policies pertaining to confidentiality, recertification, disciplinary, complaints and appeals.
Nurses’ voices carry immense weight. It is critical those voices are heard loud and clear in local, state and federal elections.
Nurse leaders at all levels are uniquely positioned to ensure health care systems are meeting the needs of the Transgender and gender non-conforming community.
In 2020, identified as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife (a celebration of Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday), it seems almost surreal that we would be faced with a pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Nurses, as in the time of Florence Nightingale, provide a pivotal role in infection prevention…