COVID-19: Effective Communications Resources
Thank you to all members who participated in the AONL 2021 Needs Assessment fielded electronically in March. More than 1,370 nurse leaders shared their thoughts on the future of nursing leadership, AONL benefits and resources and the role AONL plays in their work.
In 2020, identified as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife (a celebration of Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday), it seems almost surreal that we would be faced with a pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Nurses, as in the time of Florence Nightingale, provide a pivotal role in infection prevention…
Communication challenges during a crisis are not new to health care in the United States. In fact, over the last 100 years, disasters, including pandemics, served to highlight the vital role of communication to help staff understand, engage and rise to the challenges needed to provide care to our…