Voice of Nursing Leadership

Current literature links medication selection errors and recognizable visual cues.
Identifying and addressing materials management needs in an organization can be overwhelming.
In the intricate ecosystem of health care, the supply chain plays a pivotal, yet sometimes underappreciated role.
The quest for excellence in care is a perpetual journey – one that demands continual innovation and adaptability.
The COVID-19 pandemic shed light on the strategic value of the supply chain within health care organizations.
The July issue of Voice of Nursing Leadership has a focus of supply chain issues. Read about the best practices for purchasing committees from two nurse stakeholders and get a primer on labeling practices for medication safety.
AONL and the AONL Foundation for Nursing Leadership Research and Education honored the recipients of several recognition awards at AONL 2024, the organization’s annual meeting and exposition, which took place in New Orleans in April. These awards highlight AONL members, supporters and affiliates…
Responding to and recovering from a global pandemic has required innovation and a proactive approach to meeting patient needs.
UCHealth’s virtual health journey began well before the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2016, UCHealth, based in Aurora, Colo., was building three new community hospitals across the Colorado Front Range.
The virtual nurse program at Ochsner Medical Center — Kenner, La., has received considerable recognition from many U.S. health care systems since the program’s inception in 2017.