
Each month we will be highlighting stories of people who represent the mission of the AONL Foundation.
Catherine Robinson-Walker is a passionate advocate for leadership development for nurses, with more than 25 years of executive leadership experience in complex health organizations, national commissions, and academic consortia.
We often hear the term “culture of excellence” but many health care professionals struggle to understand what that entails or how it is measured. Would you recognize organizational excellence when you saw it? –or moreover, would the public? Through an overview of the research, structures and…
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” – Henry Ford
The linkage between nursing care and patient outcomes is widely accepted, yet it is often difficult to achieve an evidence-based allocation of nursing resources that is understood and accepted by all. AONL, ANA and HFMA have teamed up to chart a path forward. This document explores the evolution…
Unanticipated clinical events occur within health care settings; some involve medical errors, while others may be the result of complications relating to the patient’s condition.
Nurse executives may find themselves unemployed due to restructuring or other circumstances that are voluntary or involuntary.
Using Technology This issue explore ways to use technology to create efficiencies in staffing, education and clinical care.