Voice of Nursing Leadership | November 2019
Using Technology
This issue explore ways to use technology to create efficiencies in staffing, education and clinical care.

Technology—the word alone excites and energizes those who see the tremendous potential of this as an enabler to improving health outcomes, safety and care delivery...Open access to nonmembers of AONL.

Nurse educators often receive education requests from managers and nursing team members related to low-volume, high-risk skills or infrequently used equipment...Open access to nonmembers of AONL.

Reducing labor costs while improving patient outcomes and nurse satisfaction have long been a major focus of hospital nurse leaders...?Member Protected?

An emergence of revolutionary technology is creating a sense of excitement, curiosity, and disruption. The resources employees use in the workplace and the way information moves through an organization are shifting...?Member Protected?

Telehealth has had many iterations. During the American civil war telegraphs were used for medical consultations and to summon equipment...?Member Protected?