Content by and about the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL).

The COVID-19 pandemic shed light on the strategic value of the supply chain within health care organizations.
The July issue of Voice of Nursing Leadership has a focus of supply chain issues. Read about the best practices for purchasing committees from two nurse stakeholders and get a primer on labeling practices for medication safety.
The American Hospital Association last week released the first three of a series of videos highlighting various behavioral health roles and career paths in a hospital or health system.
Complications were reduced when practitioners used midline catheters instead of long peripheral catheters for patients receiving complex or long-term therapies, a study of 269 patients found.
A report released last week from the National Academy of Medicine concludes a diverse health and science workforce, representative of the communities it serves, is essential to advancing health equity.
Emergency departments should uniformly collect and use health-related social needs data, according to an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality study.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 and flu vaccines for this fall and winter.
The Food and Drug Administration will hold a virtual meeting on its Home as a Health Care Hub Initiative on July 25 from 12:00-4:00 p.m. ET.
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing this week encouraged practice leaders and educators to take advantage of its dedicated website and faculty toolkit on developing nurse well-being and leadership.
Houston Methodist system leaders want to combine short-term return on investment showing the financial benefits of virtual nursing with long-term results demonstrating value-based care.