
The latest stories from AHA Today.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a guide to help clinicians taper the use of opioids by patients who have been using the drugs over a long period of time.
The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is calling on nursing informatics professionals to complete the HIMSS Nursing Informatics Workforce Survey by Nov. 11. The survey captures current professional status, salary and practice trends in order to identify changes occurring…
The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action has tracked progress on advancing nursing leadership and other key goals set forth by the Institute of Medicine (IOM; now the National Academy of Medicine) in its 2010
The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) is about to release the latest in a series of publications produced by the Action Collaborative leading its multi-year effort to promote clinician well-being and resilience.
In a one-on-one interview with HealthLeaders Media, AONL CEO Robyn Begley, DNP, RN, draws on her leadership experience to make the case for nurses embracing change. As her career evolved, she noticed a positive evolution in her profession. “Nurses were previously seen as individuals who carried out…
“If appropriate nurse staffing is often difficult to determine on a daily basis, it becomes even more problematic during times of disaster,” write two nurse scholars in the latest issue of Nursing Economic$. The authors conducted a review of the academic literature from 2009-2019 on nurse staffing…
An impending court decision may role back a key tenet of the Affordable Care Act (ACA): the provision prohibiting insurers from denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing health conditions or charging them more for insurance.
The latest top 10 list of health technology hazards compiled by the ECRI Institute includes several new items and addresses risks existing outside acute care settings. These include sterilization process failures in some dental and medical offices, the home use of central venous catheters and…
Mindfulness and other meditation practices have gained considerable attention as possible solutions to reducing the stress leading nurses and other clinicians to experience burnout. To calm the nervous system, nurses can learn various techniques related to breathing, awareness and focus. According…
Researchers from Stanford, Duke and Harvard University medical schools found considerable variation among published studies on the relationship between clinician burnout and care quality.