Report: U.S. will be short 73,000 nursing assistants by 2028

The U.S. will have 73,000 fewer nursing assistants than needed by 2028, according to a Mercer report. The consultancy predicts a total supply of 18.6 million health care workers by 2028, and a shortage of over 100,000 to address national needs. However, the shortage will be uneven, with some specialties and geographies anticipated to have a surplus of workers. Mercer expects a surplus of about 30,000 RNs by 2028, although New York, Tennessee and Massachusetts will face shortages. Employers in shortage areas could adjust their compensation strategies to recruit talent from surplus regions, Mercer suggests. Health care systems should prioritize well-being to minimize departures due to burnout by offering competitive pay and benefits, flexible scheduling, career growth opportunities and job satisfaction, according to the report. (Yahoo! Finance article, 9/3/24).