Podcasts feature ways to improve elder care, reduce maternal mortality

Two podcasts produced by the American Hospital Association (AHA) provide insight on how to improve elder care and reduce maternal mortality, respectively. Nancy Myers, AHA’s vice president of leadership and system innovation, and Marissa Scala-Foley, director of the Aging and Disability Business Institute, discuss how hospitals are partnering with their Area Agencies on Aging to address the health and social needs of older community members, including tips on some common pitfalls to avoid. A second podcast features Alison William, vice president of clinical quality improvement at Missouri Hospital Association, and Kendell Farr, a women’s health nurse practitioner at Hannibal Regional Healthcare System. They discuss the launch of a home-based blood pressure monitoring program for at-risk patients to control hypertension, which can increase the risk of other pregnancy and postpartum complications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention designated the program as a Million Hearts 2021 Hypertension Control Exemplar.