Warshawsky receives AONL Foundation award

This week at AONL 2022, Nora E. Warshawsky, PhD, RN, was honored with the AONL Foundation Nurse Researcher Award, which recognizes an individual who has made a significant contribution to nursing and health systems research. One of the most recognized scholars in nursing leadership, her seminal contribution to evidence-based leadership is the Nurse Manager Practice Environment Scale. Nurse leaders across the United States and internationally have used the scale to assess their clinical practice settings and guide improvement activities. A long-time member of AONL, Warshawsky is immediate past president of the Association for Leadership Science in Nursing and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Nursing Administration. This year, she left her position as professor and program director for the Nurse Executive DNP and MSN Leadership and Management programs at the University of Central Florida College of Nursing to start a consultancy.