Promote the Value of Nursing
In the redesign of the health care delivery system towards one driven by a team of health care providers in a patient-centered environment, it is important nurse leaders articulate the value of nursing in improved patient outcomes, care coordination, quality, safety and delivery of cost-effective care through data-driven research.
Congress recognition of the value of nursing is evident by the inclusion of advanced practice nurse demonstration programs within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the continued expansion of nurse-managed clinics.
Nurse leaders must continue advocating for funding of these programs as well as provider nondiscrimination provisions with the Medicare and Medicaid programs, ensuring parity for nurses and other classes of health care providers are able to practice to the full scope of their licensure and professional competence.
In addition to the development of public policy, nurse leaders advocate for the development of nursing to the executive level using AONL’s leadership competencies and the promotion of these leadership competencies across health care settings.