State Legislative Resources & Issues
From forming a legislative committee to creating a legislative conference, learn what AONL's affiliates are doing to engage nurse leaders in state legislative efforts. AONL monitors state legislation and issues that affect nurses.
AONL State Affiliate Work

The Indiana AONL affiliate, Indiana Organization of Nurse Executives (IONE) offers tracking for legislation currently happening in the Indiana General Assembly and information on the Indiana representatives. IONE has an active legislative committee and hosts an Advocacy Day for local state issues.

The Organization of Nurse Leaders of New Jersey (ONLNJ) allows members access to a state issues bill tracker, letters to legislators and tools to take action. ONLNJ perioduically will hold legilsiatve workshops for affiliate members.

The Organization of Nurse Leaders (ONL) of Massachusetts encourages its members to join the ONL Government Affairs Committee where they discuss current state issues and policy topics.