Voice of Nursing Leadership

Since the initial survey, evidence has emerged indicating access to personal protective equipment (PPE) has improved while the challenge of mental health and staffing have worsened. As stated by one nurse leader: “We have seen nurses leaving the profession due to moral distress, burnout and fatigue…
Nursing leaders and schools are being called upon to educate and prepare the next generation of nurses with the skill sets necessary to lead in meeting the distinctive needs of the U. S. population.
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In 2011, the Institute of Medicine, now National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, published the landmark Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report, which contained a recommendation to increase the diversity of the nursing workforce at every level of the health care…
From 2002 to 2009 the nursing profession has grown by 62% (Macwilliams, 2013). Bowman (2020) reported that from 1960 to 2020 men in nursing increased from 2% to 13% of all U.S. nurses. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports a need for 3.19 million nurses by 2024.
According to the National Council of the State Boards of Nursing, more than 5 million RNs and LPNs are in the United States. That is significantly more than the 1 million licensed physicians. By contrast, 11 physicians but only 3 nurses were elected to the current U.S. Congress.
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Nurse executives have been called upon to respond to dramatic clinical, economic and professional disruption, because of the COVID-19.