Today in Nursing Leadership

Improve Safety through Acuity-Based Scheduling and Data-Driven Patient Assignments


In This Episode

Improve safety through acuity-based staffing and data-driven patient assignments. Across the country we have seen nurses going on strike or just begging for safe working conditions and many hospitals are struggling to deliver because there just aren’t enough nurses.  Clinical Science helps ensure workloads are safe and realistic and gives leaders insight into where support is needed most while also supporting smart nurse-patient assignments. 

The current nursing shortage is expected to worsen in the coming years, leaving hospitals how to figure out how to do more with less.  Clinical Science is a patient workload solution that uses data from the EMR to ensure staff are deployed in the most effective manner possible to provide the care required and helps leaders make fair, safe, and equitable patient assignments. 

This podcast is brought to you by Infor, a global leader in business cloud software specialized by industry, including healthcare. To learn more, visit

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