VOICE | January 2021
Nursing Roles in Advocacy and Quality Improvement
The first issue of 2021 explores the roles nurses have in advocacy efforts and quality improvement in the health care systems.

As we kick off a new year, I want to recognize and thank each and every one of you for last year’s incredible accomplishments. 2020 may have been one of the most challenging years for health care in a century. I know that the dual crises of racial equity and the pandemic have tested our resilience and some days it may not have been easy to persevere, but you have and are making a difference...continue reading.

The Association of California Nurse Leaders (ACNL) identified a gap in health policy skills for nurse leaders. In 2019 the ACNL health policy committee developed a charter with the purpose of equipping nurse leaders with health policy...continue reading.

After a series of tumultuous leadership changes left a critical care team in a state of defeated disengagement, team members would need a major turn to chart a successful course for themselves and those entrusted to their care. Through successful implementation of a multi-faceted plan, the team established a successful culture of shared governance...continue reading.

Interest from the public and policymakers in transparency in health care put patient safety metrics in the limelight. The Leapfrog Group introduced hospital safety grades in 2012, as an effort to provide health care consumers information about their local hospitals...continue reading.

Nursing regulatory bodies (NRBs), governmental agencies responsible for the regulation of nursing practice, were established to protect the public by overseeing and ensuring the safe and competent practice of nursing. They achieve this by outlining standards of safe nursing care and issuing licenses to practice nursing...continue reading.

Anna Kiger, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL, reviewed The Choice: Embrace the Possible. Learn what she discovered in psychologist Edith Eger memoir about her challenges during the Holocaust and her account of arriving at Auschwitz at the age of 16.
This bi-monthly AONL member magazine provides thought-provoking articles and perspectives on key issues affecting you.

Wisconsin nurses raised their voices to draw policymakers’ attention to an increase in violence against health care workers and their voices were heard. In January 2020, the Wisconsin legislature passed Senate Bill 163 and Assembly Bill 175 (SB163/AB175) creating an enhanced penalty for violence against nurses...Continue reading.