VOICE | September 2021
The September 2021 issue of Voice of Nursing Leadership discusses resiliency tactics, strategies for centralized bed placement during a pandemic and the nurse executives role in emergency management for COVID-19.

The coronavirus pandemic has taught us many valuable lessons. One that I believe will be integral to the growth and sustainability of the entire health care workforce is just how deeply mental and physical health are impacted by the work that we do every day and how important it is to cultivate workplaces that foster well-being...continue reading.

In 2012, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) developed Guiding Principles for Academic-Practice Partnerships, emphasizing the importance of relationships based on mutual goals, respect and shared knowledge. Conditions during the pandemic reinforced the importance of academic-practice partnerships and underscored the benefits of effective relationships...continue reading.

Patients enter acute care facilities through many different portals: emergency rooms, direct admissions from physician offices, surgery suites, transfers from other hospitals and ambulatory call centers. Traffic through a health care system can bottleneck and lead to significant delays in care and movement. When multiple facilities share services and are part of a larger system, it is essential to assure procedures are in place to optimize space and facilitate a constant patient flow...continue reading.

Thank you to all members who participated in the AONL 2021 Needs Assessment fielded electronically in March. More than 1,370 nurse leaders shared their thoughts on the future of nursing leadership, AONL benefits and resources and the role AONL plays in their work...Continue reading.

Hospitals continue to confront a wide variety of operational and fiscal challenges daily; the COVID-19 pandemic was no exception. To manage emergencies, whether external (earthquakes, fires or floods) or internal (utility failure, child abduction, or workplace violence), hospitals invest time and valuable resources to ensure adequate emergency plans are in place and personnel are sufficiently trained on how to respond...Continue reading.
This bi-monthly AONL member magazine provides thought-provoking articles and perspectives on key issues affecting you.

The system chief nurse executive (SCNE) is a complicated role accountable for advocating and standardizing nursing and care across the health system (Kingston, 2013). Core to this nurse leader role is system workforce...Continue reading.