2025 Conference Group Registration

Group Registration
Save when registering with a team.
Discount Tiers
- $50 off per person when registering 10-15 people
- $75 off per person when registering 16-20 people
- $100 off per person when registering 21 or more people
Discount Guidelines
In order to qualify for a group discount, the following guidelines must be met in their entirety:
- The group must consist of ten or more individuals from the same facility (physical location). Discounts do not apply toward individuals within the same system.
- Group registration fees must be paid on a single credit card or check. Individual payments are not accepted. If you would like to request a group invoice, please contact AONL at aonlannualconference@aha.org.
- Group discounts are applicable for full conference registration fees only. Single day and exhibit hall only registrations do not apply.
Requesting Discount Code
If the group meets the guidelines listed above, simply send an email to aonlannualconference@aha.org to request a group discount code including the following information:
- Primary contact for organization (including business address, phone, email)
- Number of people in the group
- Organization name and street address
Approval Process
Once AONL reviews the information, the registration link and discount code will be sent to the main contact within two business days.
Do not register the group without the AONL discount code. Partial refunds will not be processed after registrations are submitted.
If the group falls short of the discount threshold or there is misuse of the discount policy, groups will be charged the difference in fees plus a $250 administrative fee.
Group discounts cannot be combined with other discounts.