2025 Annual Conference

Call for Abstracts

AONL 2025 Abstract Content Priorities

In this year's call for abstracts, we seek to identify the work of nurse leaders across the continuum of care that aligns with AONL’s strategic priorities. We are interested in identifying effective strategies and thought-provoking insights that address topics such as the following:

  • Well-being, Psychological and Physical Safety of the Nursing Workforce 
    We are seeking abstracts that explore innovative approaches to protect the psychological and physical safety of the nursing workforce. Topics may include mental health support and coping after challenging events, strategies for mitigating burnout and interventions designed to foster a culture of wellbeing, safety and support.
  • Knowledge, Adoption and Outcomes of Digital Transformation in Nursing Leadership 
    How are nurse leaders leveraging technology and artificial intelligence to improve care delivery and enhance their leadership practices? Share outcomes and impacts of these technologies on patient care, nursing workflows and leadership effectiveness.
  • Navigating the Complexities of the Nurse Manager Role 
    Share experiences and outcomes of how organizations are effectively and strategically transforming structural models and responsibilities of nurse managers, both within the department and at the executive level. Highlight innovative strategies to support nurse managers in their roles so they can thrive amidst the dynamic demands of their positions.
  • Building a Workforce that Represents Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) 
    We are looking for submissions that provide strategies for creating inclusive workplace environments and demonstrate how nurse leaders are fostering a culture of DEIB within the organization and community.
  • Retention and Growth of Nurse Leaders 
    We seek abstracts that explore strategies for recruiting and retaining nurse leaders, from charge nurses to executive roles. Topics may include effective succession planning, leadership development programs, mentorship initiatives and strategies to support the transition to practice. We are also interested in branding approaches and successful initiatives to help revise the image of nursing leadership.
  • Expert and Influential Nursing Leadership in Practice 
    We are looking for submissions that discuss visionary leadership, strategic decision-making, advocacy efforts and the ability to drive change at the organization and system level. Share how the voice of executive nurse leaders are making an impact within organizations and elevating the voice of nursing in communities they serve.

Submit an Abstract 

Tips for Writing a Compelling Abstract

The intended outcome of a good abstract is to create a compelling presentation that will inspire and engage through the dissemination of innovative, applicable ideas that meet a real need. 

Before submitting, please consider the following:

  • The final abstract should be clear and easy to read and understand.
  • Is your presentation title creative and clear? 
  • Will the session description hook the audience?
  • Does the abstract narrative fit the content themes for which AONL is seeking?
  • Has anyone else reviewed the abstract? Co-presenters should review and make edits to the draft. Consider asking a colleague who is a good editor to critique the abstract. Once you finished editing, set it aside and return to it later with fresh eyes before you officially submit.

Presentation Formats

AONL 2025 offers several sessions formats to enhance the learning, sharing and networking experience for conference participants.

Abstract Requirements

Prior to developing an abstract, it is important to review the submission requirements, character limits within each section and AONL 2025 content priorities.

Tip: Organize, outline and write the abstract in a Word document before entering the content to the online submission. This will save time, ensure the word limits are met, avoid spelling errors and avoid browser time-out issues. After the abstract is written, please copy/paste the information into the submission form.


Selection Criteria

Submitted proposals will be evaluated according to criteria that include:


The abstract should address important issues facing nursing leadership that are relevant and inspiring with practical takeaways.


The abstract should include a clear description of lessons learned along with clear research and success measures.


The abstract should include relevant evidence that provides support for an initiative or practice.



The abstract should offer innovative practices and ideas that are stimulating and challenging, soliciting thoughtful reflection on leadership practice. The abstract should address how the work has led to transformation in nursing practice and leadership.


The abstract should provide information to support how the program, initiative or research could be adopted or addressed by others in a variety of settings (rural, community, critical access, etc.). Research studies should include application and relevance for nurse leaders.


The abstract should be focused, easy to follow and offer clear implications for what a participant will gain by attending the session. Objectives should be meaningful and obtainable with a clear connection that it meets AONL Conference attendees’ expectations for excellence.

Important Dates