2025 Annual Conference


Congratulations and thank you for sharing your time, knowledge and resources as a poster presenter at AONL 2024. Below is information that will guide you along the presentation process and to ensure you have the tools you need to get the most out of this professional development opportunity.

aonl abstracts poster sessions cta multi alternating
Orientation Resources

Poster Creation Guidelines

Using AONL 2024 Conference Logo

The AONL 2024 Conference logo must appear on the bottom right or left hand corner of your poster. Download the image here.

Formatting Suggestions

  • Poster title, author(s) name, and institution where the work was completed should be displayed centered across the top of the poster. Include contact information.
  • Format text and images so the reader can follow the flow easily. We suggest dividing your poster into three to four columns.
  • Poster presenters are responsible for obtaining all copyright permissions for content and images. Creative Commons has free images available here.
  • Use sans serif fonts for titles and headings (e.g., Arial, Franklin Gothic, Helvetica, Tahoma, Trebuchet or Verdana). Use Serif fonts for the body (e.g., Times New Roman, Palatino). Do not use all CAPS as it is hard to read. Poster presentations may be viewed from distances; all lettering should be at least 3/8” or 24 point font.

The tack board is 48" in height by 96" in length. Recommended size of actual poster is 42" x 60".

AONL will provide the display board and all assembly supplies (pushpins, Velcro tab, thumbtacks, etc.)

When creating your poster using PowerPoint, always set your page size before designing the poster. Follow the guide above to set the page layout in landscape/horizontal orientation. If you change the size after content is added, it may become distorted.

Note: Poster presenters are responsible for transporting the poster to the conference. We recommend shipping it to yourself at your hotel so you can retrieve it at check in. Hotel storage fees may apply and are not covered by AONL.

Poster Production Suggestions

These two sites were shared on the orientation call. AONL is not providing an endorsement for these organizations. They are suggestions from other poster presenters that used them:

Poster Samples

Below are examples of past posters presented at AONL. They show a variety of style and preference, including the use of a QR Code to add to your poster as a way for attendees to find out more.

Poster Presenter Manned Hours

Conflict of Interest

Poster Presenter(s) agree that commercial companies or individuals that sponsor the poster for the poster presenter may only be recognized or acknowledged in print, one inch high at the bottom of a poster panel. No other logos, signs, literature or promotional material may be displayed in the poster area and any sponsor representative in the booth may not discuss his/her products or services. Note: Presenters are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce handouts if copyrighted.

In compliance with ANCC and ACHE accreditation, the direct promotion of products and services is prohibited. Presenter(s) agree that AONL prohibits the exhibition of posters describing products or services which are used for commercial enterprise (i.e., items/service for sale). AONL reserves the right to require Poster Presenter(s) to dismantle and completely remove their presentation from the exhibit floor if AONL determines in its sole judgment that the poster is used for commercial enterprise as described above. Poster Presenter(s) understand that NO REFUNDS will be given under these circumstances.

Registration and Hotel Information

Early bird registration rate ends Feb. 15. Click here to register. Enter discount code SPK2024. A direct link to the housing site will be included with your registration confirmation. AONL does not book hotel reservations on your behalf. Contact: AONLannualconference@aha.com if you have any questions while registering.

AONL rates are available until March 14 or until the room block sells out. Registration does not guarantee room availability. Housing questions?  Contact kbhousing@keybookings.org or 877-205-2871.  

Traveling to New Orleans

Speakers are responsible for making their own arrangements and covering the expenses connected to traveling to AONL 2024. AONL/AHA offers special air travel discounts for all registered attendees. Contact one of our preferred vendors directly to receive these special fares.

Important Dates

Questions and Contact Information

Kourtney Sproat
Conference Program Manager

Tanéha Fincher
Education Operations Specialist