Breakout Sessions
In light of the latest novel coronavirus (COVID-19) developments and the need for nurse leaders to remain onsite in their roles, the Shared Governance Leadership Conference scheduled for June 9–10 in Baltimore is cancelled. Program registrants will be automatically refunded in full according to the original payment method. If reservations were made within the AONL block at the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace, the hotel will cancel the reservation automatically, All other travel arrangements must be cancelled by the attendee directly. Should you have any questions, please contact Shanna Sweeney at ssweeney@aha.org.
As this is an evolving situation, we are continually reviewing policies and will update additional event statuses as needed. Learn more.
At the Shared Governance Leadership Conference you can create a customized learning experience. The breakout session are designed for nurses in leadership roles.
June 9 | 2:45 - 3:30 p.m.
The Role of the Executive in Creating an Environment where Direct Care Nurses make Professional Practice Decisions
What ways does the CNO/Nurse Administrator, role model, mentor, and coach empowered leadership and valuing direct care nurses input? Who are the key stakeholders to enroll and engage for the successful deployment and sustainability of a professional shared governance?
Leverage Your Clinical Expertise: How Direct Care Nurses can Lead Change
Leadership behaviors and skills are imperative for clinicians actively engaged in professional governance. This session will describe strategies and behaviors that support emerging clinical experts to lead change and advocate for exemplary nursing practice in multiple venues in the structure of professional governance. Discussion of these behaviors and strategies as relates to conduct within the interprofessional and organizational team will also be conducted. Attendees encouraged to bring real life questions, challenges and reflections for discussion after content is presented.
To Participate or Not Participate: The Role of the Manager in Shared Governance
The role managers have in professional governance varies widely between organizations. Join this session to discuss the important role of the manager in professional governance. Learn best practices from peers for engaging and empowering staff.
System Professional Governance Structures
In this session participants will review key accountabilities of System Shared Governance and explore several system models. Aligning the vision with the system nursing strategic plan through structures for system synergy will be explored. Learn to avoid pitfalls and include leadership engagement into your design. This session is intended for participants who are designing a system model or refining existing structures. Appropriate for leaders and clinical nurses.
June 10 | 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The Business Case for Investing in a Professional Nursing Shared Governance
What ways does the CNO/Nurse Administrator, role model, mentor, and coach empowered leadership and valuing direct care nurses input? Who are the key stakeholders to enroll and engage for the successful deployment and sustainability of a professional shared governance?
Foundational Empowering Structures for Professional Governance
Structure is vital for success of professional governance. This session will describe concepts such as inclusion, parity, practice governance, leadership and autonomy as elements essential to any structure. Review of the importance of formalization, alignment, collaboration and education within the organization that professional governance is housed in will be conducted. Structures that leverage these elements will be reviewed and strategies for success and engagement discussed. Attendees encouraged to bring real life questions, challenges and reflections for discussion after content is presented.
Liberating Structures: Tools to Encourage Conversation and Idea Generation
If you have ever led a meeting asking for input, and no one responds, this session is for you. Learn how to use liberating structures as a practical tool for engaging others in conversation and idea generation.
Aligning Nursing Professional Governance: Local and System Priorities for System Success
Success is in the details! Bylaws, communication pathways and strategies for nursing system synergy will be explored. Learn how creative uses of technology, templates and celebrations can keep your system structure together. Share best practices and brainstorm together to take away tools for success. This session is intended for participants who are designing a system model or refining existing structures. Appropriate for leaders and clinical nurses.
June 10 | 2:45 - 3:30 p.m.
Intelligent Communication in Managing Powerful Messages, Inter-professional Relationships, Conflicts and Self
Effective and influential leaders understand and apply the principles of effective communication. They are “truth-tellers” who create an environment where high performance clinical practice can grow. Learn the application of Brain Science to better manage messages, conflicts, which help to build consensus and make meaningful decisions.
Professional Practice across the Continuum: collaborating for consensus
Patients experience healthcare across their lives and throughout the many services and settings of the health care system and their communities. Leveraging the expertise of the nursing discipline across the continuum and in partnership with its many settings and community partners is imperative for increasing access and improving value. This session will discuss strategies for creating partnerships and consensus with nurses, other disciplines, and other community groups across the continuum through active leveraging of the professional governance structure and cultural underpinnings. Attendees encouraged to bring real life questions, challenges and reflections for discussion after content is presented.
Leading Effective Meetings
This session is for leaders learning how to run a meeting well, or wanting to improve the effectiveness of their meetings. A well run meeting makes good use of the time invested by committee members, harnesses their collective knowledge and moves towards outcomes.
Using Outcome Measures in Decision Making
Identify key system metrics to determine priorities. Align efforts to reach goals for improvement of patient outcomes, patient satisfaction, nurse engagement and lower cost across the health system. Determine stakeholders, evaluate evidence and feasibility to make decisions with confidence! This session is intended for participants who are designing a system model or refining existing structures. Appropriate for leaders and clinical nurses.