Standardizing rounds shortens process, improves attendance

According to a study in the Journal of Nursing Administration, standardizing the rounding process in a 28-bed mixed intensive care unit (ICU) reduced the time spent on rounds by 25% and dramatically increased the participation of respiratory therapists, clinical dietitians and case managers. The study was conducted by an interprofessional team at SSM Health St. Clare Hospital–Fenton (Mo.), where ICU nurses are responsible for presenting patient information during rounds. The study team created a template to streamline patient presentations and standardized the start time and location of rounds. Additionally, the team “encouraged critical care physicians to examine patients before rounds began, reestablished communication and expectations with multidisciplinary team members and their departments regarding attendance on rounds, and worked with the case management department and the hospital's executive team to add a dedicated [case manager] to the ICU.” The authors concluded that employing these strategies in other ICUs has the potential to achieve similar efficiencies.