Nursing schools describe diversity and inclusion efforts

Citing research indicating benefits to communication, access to care and patient satisfaction when care is provided by a diverse nursing workforce, HealthLeaders Media profiled three diversity and inclusion efforts at schools of nursing last month. Chamberlain University, based in the Chicago area, supports a diverse student body using its Social Determinants of Learning Framework; Frontier Nursing University in Versailles, Ky. tripled non-white enrollment through its Diversity Impact Program; and Columbia University School of Nursing in New York City established a center to help reduce disparities in care for sexual and gender minority populations. Nursing schools also can contribute to diversifying the workforce by partnering with K-12 institutions and recruiting students from diverse communities, said AONL member Caroline Njau, MBA, RN, chief nursing officer and senior vice president of patient care services for Children's Minnesota in Minneapolis. (HealthLeaders Media article, 12/24/21)