CNOs should use social media to share best practices

CNOs should collaborate with social media influencers to share authentic stories about nursing and shape the narrative positively, says AONL CEO Claire Zangerle, DNP, RN. Zangerle, who also serves as American Hospital Association CNE and senior vice president, says CNOs should help influencers portray the right message because disinformation is hurtful to nursing. CNOs also can work with influencers on ways to mitigate workplace violence and share best practices on how they are recruiting and retaining nurses, says AONL member Cody Legler, DNP, RN, senior vice president and CNO at Maimonides Health in New York City. AONL offers a social media toolkit for nursing leaders. Nearly two-thirds of millennial and Gen Z nurses who are social media users follow and/or engage with health influencers.