CNE shares strategies for developing nurse leaders

Before becoming chief nurse executive of HCA Healthcare's West Florida Division, Leanne Salazar, DNP, RN, reduced new nurse leader turnover at the hospital where she served as chief nursing officer by 140%. In a recent interview, she discussed that experience and how she is using it to build a culture supportive of nursing leadership at the division level. Her first strategy was to recruit nurse leaders with heart and compassion. “They have to take care of people who are taking care of the patients, so it really is an art,” she said. She met monthly with new nurse leaders and established a yearlong program where they discussed culture and hiring for fit and mapped out individual professional development plans. She also created a leadership development institute and an advanced leadership course. Chief nurses received support from a coach and mentor. Salazar sees stabilizing the nursing leadership team as critical to stabilizing the nursing workforce. (HealthLeaders Media article, 10/25/21)