AONL members offer tips to retain younger nurses

AONL member Melanie Heuston, DNP, RN, says nurse leaders should use social media to combat the negative online portrayal of nurses and create positive work environments to retain younger nurses. Heuston, the CNO of West Virginia University Medicine in Morgantown, W.V. says novice nurses want leaders to check in frequently and provide feedback. Nurse managers need improved resources to coach and counsel younger nurses, who experience more anxiety and depression, she says. AONL member Gloria Carter, MSN, RN, vice president and CNO at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Long Beach, Calif., says nurse leaders should prioritize work-life balance and teach resiliency. St. Mary’s gives nurses a wellness app to track their well-being activities, with the opportunity to earn reward cards. (HealthLeaders Media article, 9/23/24)