AACN teaching tool aims for courageous, compassionate practice

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), in collaboration with Johnson & Johnson, announced the release of the Trailblazing Innovation Faculty Tool Kit, which AACN developed to help prepare future nurses to serve as leaders, advocates, problem-solvers and risk-takers. The resource examines the impact nurses can have on responding to public health threats, providing care to patients and communities at risk, and implementing new standards of care. The tool kit centers on the themes highlighted in an award-winning documentary, 5B, which chronicles how nurses took extraordinary action to care for patients in the first AIDS ward at San Francisco General Hospital in the early 1980s. AACN will host a presentation on the tool kit Dec. 2 at 4:00 p.m. as part of its annual conference. (AACN news release, 11/11/21)