Exhibitor Resources
The AONL 2020 conference is cancelled as of Friday, March 6. Learn more.
Exhibitor Services
Incoming Freight/Shipments
To Advance Warehouse in Nashville
- For shipments already received at the advance warehouse in Nashville: The appropriate TL Exhibitor Care Consultant will contact all exhibitors directly to coordinate return outbound shipping from the advanced warehouse and assist with compiling the appropriate paperwork and documents.
- For shipments currently in-route to the Advance Warehouse in Nashville: Each exhibitor should call their freight carrier immediately, if your shipment has not yet been received at the advance warehouse in Nashville. Each exhibitor should instruct their carrier to either re-route the shipment OR cancel the shipment and return to its originating address. The advance warehouse has been instructed to NO LONGER ACCEPT freight for AONL 2020 in Nashville.
Direct to Show-Site Shipments addressed to AONL 2020/Music City Convention Center
- Call your carrier immediately and have them return your shipment to the destination you choose if you have shipped your freight to arrive at the Music City Convention Center during previously scheduled show-site receiving days. Music City Convention Center will not accept direct shipments and Tradeshow Logistics will not be on-site to accept any shipments.
Booth Services Ordered Through Tradeshow Logistics
- Each exhibitor remains responsible for charges for services and equipment already provided up to and including the date of cancellation. Please reference the Online Exhibitor Service Manual for exact cancellation dates for each specific show vendor.
- Refunds will be processed and issued for all equipment and services which were not provided in accordance with our published terms and conditions.
- For those who paid for their services by credit cards:
- Refunds will be issued to the card you have placed on file which was originally charged for the service.
- DO NOT call your bank or credit card company to dispute a charge – THIS WILL DELAY THE REFUND PROCESS.
- For those who paid by check:
- Refunds will be issued by check to the contact address listed on your invoice.
- Refunds will be processed within 6 weeks of the date of event cancellation.
- For those who paid for their services by credit cards:
If you have any questions regarding your refund or any other exhibitor services inquiry, please contact:
Mary Ann Sablich Booths #300 - 699
(770) 432-8410 x113 | msablich@tradeshowlogistics.com
Kisha Edwards Booths #700 - 1099
(770) 432-8410 x123 | kedwards@tradeshowlogistics.com
Sybil Meyers Booth # 1100 - 1599
(770) 432-8410 x121 | smeyers@tradeshowlogistics.com
Exhibitor Care Department (770) 874-5830 Option #2
Lead Retrieval Ordered Through eShow
All orders will be refunded automatically and a receipt will be emailed. All inquiries will be addressed in the order in which they are received at leads@goeshow.com.
Exhibits & Sponsorships
Exhibitors can expect to receive a communication about 2020 and 2021 booth details by March 20. We ask that you please be patient with us during this time.
For immediate and urgent concerns, please contact:
Hilary Manning Companies A-K
(770) 432-8410 x 152 | hmanning@tradeshowlogic.com
Kathy Maguire Companies
(770) 432-8410 x 153 | kmaguire@tradeshowlogic.com
Travel Cancellations
Note that individuals are responsible for cancelling any hotel and travel arrangements directly.
AONL 2020 Annual Conference
- Registration +
- Schedule & Events +
- Hotel & Travel +
- Sponsorship & Exhibiting +
- Resources & Information +
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