Elements of a Healthy Practice Environment
The Nursing Organizations Alliance believes that a healthy practice environment is supported by the presence of the following elements.
1. Collaborative Practice Culture
Respectful collegial communication and behavior ◾ Team orientation ◾ Presence of trust ◾ Respect for diversity
2. Communication Rich Culture
Clear and respectful ◾ Open and trusting
3. A Culture of Accountability
Role expectations are clearly defined ◾ Everyone is accountable
4. The Presence of Adequate Numbers of Qualified Nurses
Ability to provide quality care to meet client/patient's needs ◾ Work/home life balance
5. The Presence of Expert, Competent, Credible, Visible Leadership
Serve as an advocate for nursing practice ◾ Support shared decision-making ◾ Allocate resources to support nursing
6. Shared Decision-Making at All Levels
Nurses participate in system, organizational, and process decisions ◾ Formal structure exists to support shared decision-making ◾ Nurses have control over their practice
7. The Encouragement of Professional Practice and Continued Growth/Development
Continuing education/certification is supported/encouraged ◾ Participation in professional association encouraged ◾ An information rich environment is supported
8. Recognition of the Value of Nursing’s Contribution
Reward and pay for performance ◾ Career mobility and expansion
9. Recognition by Nurses for Their Meaningful Contribution to Practice
These nine elements will be fostered and promoted, as best fits, into the work of individual member organizations of the Nursing Organizations Alliance.