FAONL Eligibility
In order to be considered for the FAONL you must meet the required eligibility and complete all components of the FAONL application.
Current membership in AONL
Applicants must provide their membership number.
A minimum of 5 years of AONL membership
These years of membership do not need to be consecutive. Note: Membership in an AONL Affiliate does not constitute membership in AONL.
Advanced degree
Eligible candidates must have a master’s degree or higher. One of the applicant’s degrees must be in nursing.
Attendance of AONL Annual Conferences
You must have attended at least three AONL Annual Conferences. The conference can include both in-person and virtual.
*Current AONL Board Members are not eligible to apply for the FAONL Designation.
Confirming Your AONL membership
To confirm your membership and years as an AONL member please contact, AONL@aha.org. If you need to rejoin AONL, you may rejoin through the AONL store or by calling (312) 422-2800.
Confirming Your AONL Conference Attendance
Contact AONLAnnualConference@aha.org to confirm your attendance at AONL Annual Conferences.
When you meet all the requirements, you may proceed in applying for the FAONL.