2020 FAONL Inductees
Joyce E. Batcheller, DNP, NEA-BC, FAAN, FAONL
Joyce has specialized in chief nursing officer on-boarding, leading to the development of a CNO Academy and authored numerous peer-reviewed publications on the subject. She is a contributing member to AONL at both state affiliate and national level, holds leadership roles in the Association for Leadership in Nursing Science (ALSN) and hosts a radio show, All About Nursing.
Pam Bradshaw, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
Pam, as a CNO, has focused on recruitment and retention of high-performing staff and exceptional patient outcomes. She has advocated for professional development and mentorship through formal programs and involvement in AONL at the local and national level. Pam contributed to the success of her local affiliate being named the outstanding chapter by AONL in 2017 and currently represents Region 7 on the AONL Board.
Kathy Harris, MS, RN, CENP, FAONL
Kathy works with the Colorado Hospital Association to support her passion for the implementation of Just Culture to provide healthy work environments and is chair of the board for the Center for Nursing Excellence in Colorado. AONL involvement has included serving on the board of directors, helping create the AONL certification program and participation in numerous other AONL committees. Currently she represents AONL on the Board of the Alliance for Ethical International Recruitment Practices.
Joyce Johnson, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
Joyce, as a CNO/COO, has achieved transformative organizational outcomes, promoted practice-academia collaboration and published numerous articles and books advancing CNO executive practice. She has been a contributing member at both the affiliate and national level, serving on the AONL board of directors and numerous committees and task forces. Joyce currently advances nursing leadership through teaching, dissertation/evidenced-based project guidance and knowledge dissemination.
Donna Herrin-Griffith, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
Donna has championed nursing leadership development throughout her career as nurse executive, assistant professor, consultant, author and editor. Her involvement with AONL has included serving as president of the board of directors and bold leadership for initiatives such as the development of the AONL Nurse Executive Competencies and the 2019 launch of the fellow designation program.
Sylvain Trepanier, DNP, RN, CENP, FAONL
Sylvain’s innovative nursing contributions are improving the health of populations and significantly decreasing the total cost of care internationally. He has served as a mentor for aspiring nurse leaders across the nation. Sylvian assisted in development of an inter-professional community-based care model with participants demonstrating significant improvements in quality of life measures. He has contributed to AONL at both affiliate and national level, serving on numerous committees.
Anna J. Kiger, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
As a system CNO, Anna has implemented a nursing workforce and leadership development program resulting in first-year retention of 95%. She has also supported the development and implementation of preceptorships and residency programs for APRNs in the system's ambulatory clinic settings. Her many contributions to AONL include developing the AONL System Nurse Executive Competencies and serving on the conference planning committee.
Beth Ulrich, EdD, RN, FAONL
Beth is a leader for the specialty of nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing research and nursing journalism. She has served as principal investigator for multiple national studies that have contributed new professional knowledge related to creating healthier work environments and transition to practice. Beth has held multiple AONL leadership roles at both the local affiliate and national level for over four decades.
KT has contributed to nursing leadership as a nurse executive and educator. Obtaining external funding to build a regional clinical simulation collaborative, she developed a statewide alliance of over 4,000 members resulting in national and international impact. She is a past president of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. KT has served on the AONL Board of Directors as treasurer and led a task force in 2017–2018 to launch the AONL Fellow Designation.