Nurse Leader Competency Assessment Tool: Organizational Assessment
Benchmark and elevate the collective competency of your nursing leadership team.
We have concluded our organizational assessment enrollment for 2024. New, improved organizational assessment capabilities kicking off in early 2025!
Gain a full view of your organization’s collective strengths and areas for development with the AONL Organizational Assessment, based on the AONL Nurse Leader Competencies for managers and executives. Align your team’s skills with evidence-based practice to empower and elevate the leadership of your organization.

Select 10 or more nurse leaders to participate, with at least five participants per assessment category (manager and/or executive). Participants will receive reports based on their individual assessments, plus receive an aggregated organizational report from which to benchmark and focus leadership development efforts.
To request additional information and see pricing options, please follow the button to complete the survey.
Note to participants: Be sure to mark aonl@custominsight.com as a “safe sender” in your email account. If you do not receive your report, please check your SPAM and Junk folders. Please contact aonl@aha.org if assistance is needed.