CNML Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
The CNML and CENP programs meets both the NCCA* and ABSNC* Standards for Accreditation of Certification programs. The NCCA and ABSNC Commission/Council has granted accreditation of the AONL CNML and CENP programs.
*NCCA = National Commission for Certifying Agencies
*ABSNC = Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification
The Job Analysis Report: AONL Certified Nurse Manager and Leader, describes the methodology and procedures used to conduct a job analysis and develop the exam specifications for the American Organization for Nursing LeadershipTM (AONL) Certified Nurse Manager and Leader (CNML®) certification examination.
The three major activities that comprise the job analysis process described in this report are as follows:
- Job Analysis Committee Meeting – A gathering of subject matter experts (SMEs) to discuss and develop a description of the scope of practice
- Job Analysis Survey – A large-scale survey of practitioners not involved with the SME panel to validate the task and knowledge statements developed by the committee
- Development of Examination Specifications – The development of an Examination Content Outline by the committee based on the results of the survey
Several practitioners were assembled by AONL to serve as subject matter experts (SMEs). The individuals selected represent a wide variety of work-related characteristics such as years of experience, work setting, geographic location, and areas of specialty. This helps in developing a scope of practice that is reflective of the roles and responsibilities of the job role and is relatively free from bias. By analyzing the experiences and expertise of current practitioners, the results from the job analysis become the basis of a validated assessment that reflects the competencies required for competent job performance.
The job analysis process utilized in this study yields exam specifications that accurately reflect the scope of practice, allowing for the development of fair, accurate, and realistic assessments of candidates’ readiness for certification. The resultant Examination Content Outline (Appendix E) indicates a 150-item examination with content distribution requirements at the competency area (content domain) level as well as topic (content subdomain) level. The five competency areas are:
- Communication and Relationship Building
- Health Care Environment & Clinical Principles
- Leadership
- Professionalism
- Business Skills and Principles
To be eligible for the CNML exam, a candidate must meet the target practitioner definition:
The nurse manager and leader is a nurse leader who has the skills to facilitate delivery of high quality evidence-based collaborative care to a wide range of patients. Nurse Managers/Leaders possess clinical expertise in nursing. The Nurse Manager/Leader have full clinical and administrative responsibility and accountability for their unit(s). Administrative responsibility includes management of finances, human resources, staffing, performance improvement, technology, and strategy. The Nurse Manager/Leader uses broad-based clinical and leadership skills through communication, mentoring, advocacy, systems thinking, critical thinking, and establishment of a healthy work environment.
To be eligible for the Certified Nurse Manager and Leader (CNML) examination, a candidate must:
- Hold a valid and unrestricted license as a Registered Nurse
- Hold a baccalaureate degree or higher. At least one of the degrees must be in Nursing from an accredited institution
Work experience must satisfy Option 1 or Option 2
Option 1: Have at least 2,080 hours of experience in a nurse manager/primary unit leader role.
Option 2: Have at least 4,160 hours of experience in a comprehensive nursing leadership support role.
There is no defined time limit, but the practice should be recent enough that the applicant’s executive nursing practice was guided by the AONL Nurse Executive Competencies.
Candidates can retake the exam no sooner than 90 days after their most recent exam date. An application will be available after the 90 days have passed. Candidates may apply for and take the same certification exam up to 4 times in a 2 year period. See the CNML Candidate Handbook
AONL offers testing locations in all 50 states. We also offer testing locations internationally abroad. Find the nearest testing location.
Exam: $300 AONL | $450 non-member
A candidate with a visual, sensory or physical disability that prevents taking the examination under standard conditions may request special accommodations and arrangements. If special accommodations are requested, please complete the "ADA Accommodation” portion of the application before submitting.
Approximately ten (10) business days after the receipt of application, a notice is sent by email to the candidate stating the application has been received and approved. Generally, candidates receive their admission letter to the testing about two (2) to three (3) weeks prior to the CNML special administration date. The notice includes the date, location and check-in time for the CNML Examination. A candidate is allowed to take only the CNML Examination for which application is made and confirmation from AHA is received. Unscheduled candidates (walk-ins) are not allowed to take the CNML Examination.
To maintain and enhance the credibility of the CNML certification program the AONL-CC governing body, the AONL-CC Steering Committee, has adopted the following procedures to allow individuals to bring complaints concerning the conduct of CNML certificants to the Steering Committee. In the event a certificant violates the Professional Standards of Conduct and/or the AONL-CC Steering Committee certification rules, requirements, and/or policies, the Steering Committee may reprimand or suspend the individual or may revoke certification.
To read the policy in its entirety, please click here
Initial certification or recertification is valid for three (3) years. A certificant may recertify the CNML credential through one of two routes:
- Successful re-examination
- Documentation of 45 contact hours of continuing professional education related to examination content over the 3-year period and payment of the recertification fee. Recertification $200 fee for AONL and $275 fee for nonmember.
Renewal applications may be submitted up to one year prior to the certification expiration date
Recertification is required every 3 years to maintain certified status.
Continuing competency for nursing leadership is the ongoing commitment of the nurse leader to integrate and apply the knowledge, skills, attitudes/abilities and judgment with, values and beliefs required to practice safely, effectively and ethically in the specialty of nursing leadership. AONL-CC requires the ongoing professional development and maintaining continuing competency of its certificants. Attaining certification is an indication of mastery of a well-defined body of knowledge at a point in time.
The mandatory recertification process provides certificants with the opportunity to demonstrate continuing competency by the retention, reinforcement and expansion of their knowledge, skills, and abilities within the specialty of nursing leadership. Recertification also provides encouragement to, and acknowledgement for, participation in ongoing professional development activities and continued learning. To support this purpose, the recertification requirements require continuing education and professional activities that assure continuing competency through:
- enhanced ongoing professional development
- recognized learning opportunities