Abstract | From High School to RN
As the health care field continues to face a nursing shortage, nurse leaders need to be intentional in developing innovative strategies to meet workforce needs. These strategies should be aimed at attracting, recruiting and retaining nurses. This requires RN pipeline development to target, enroll and support the future workforce, including minority students, to increase their representation in nursing (Katz et al., 2016). Health care organizations must develop an infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion and equity within the nursing workforce pipeline.
To fulfill that mission, Wellstar Health System, headquartered in Marietta, Ga., has created a program designed to support students’ career paths in nursing at the health care system, geared to appeal to a broad and diverse group of students. The Wellstar Nursing Careers Pathway program begins with high school students and helps address the statewide need for certified nursing assistants (CNAs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), associate-degree RNs, and baccalaureate-prepared RNs. The participating high schools started with the first full year of students in the fall of 2020. This model provides guaranteed clinical placements, an interview with credential milestones (CNA/LPN/RN) and an infrastructure for experiential learning opportunities at its facilities.
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