VOICE | March 2022
Nursing in the Community
The March issue of Voice of Nursing Leadership covers nursing in the community with an in-depth look at the hospital-at-home model of care and the ways in which nurses at a federally qualified health center provide care in rural Georgia. Another article explores a program offering nursing students clinical rotations in which they live and work in rural settings.

As I write you today, many of us are feeling the impact of another COVID-19 surge related to the omicron variant. The articles are all centered on nursing in the community. The pandemic showed nursing's... Continue reading.

Over the past decade, clinicians in rural communities have consistently taken on more in their roles as caregivers. When the pandemic struck, especially in southwest Georgia, clinicians at Albany Area Primary Health Care (AAPHC) were pushed even further outside of... Continue reading.

Obtaining clinical placement sites for senior capstone students has always been challenging, with many competing nursing programs located in Utah. Most students complete clinical hours in local urban hospitals in Salt Lake City and Provo. However, in 2020 a generous donor funded the opportunity for students to travel and stay in rural communities... Continue reading.

As hospitalizations due to COVID-19 hit record numbers nationwide, health care stakeholders from across Utah began to discuss strategies to manage the many challenges in providing optimal care. In the spring and summer of 2020, nurse executives... Continue reading.
This bi-monthly AONL member magazine provides thought-provoking articles and perspectives on key issues affecting you.

Adventist Health, an integrated health care system serving patients in California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington, started its hospital-at-home program in 2020. This innovative...Continue reading.