Foundation Strategy
Strategic Plan and Goals
Vision Statement: A healthier tomorrow advanced through nursing leadership.
Mission Statement: To provide resources that create opportunities to bridge science and practice to shape the future of nursing leadership.
Research and Education Focus: The AONL Foundation supports its vision and mission by focusing on:
- Optimizing Leadership Effectiveness
- Achieving Equity in Health Care
- Improving the Health Care Experience
Using the research priorities for nursing leadership and health systems sciences identified in the joint AONL Foundation and Association for Leadership Science in Nursing (ALSN) study Setting the Research Agenda for Nursing Administration and Leadership Science a Delphi Study:
- Nurses' Health, Well-being, Resilience/Safety in the Workplace.
- Developing and Managing a Nursing Workforce to Meet Current and Future Health Care Needs.
- Healthy Work and Practice Environments for Direct Care Nurses.
- Healthy Work and Practice Environments for Nurse Leaders.
- Quantification of Nursing's Value Across the Health Care Delivery System.
- Nurse Leaders Development and Essential Competencies.
Goal 1: A sustainable $10 million Foundation fund is developed by 2025 to support research, education, and annual operations. Note: the fund will need to grow beyond that point in subsequent years to achieve desired fund distribution levels.
Goal 2: Greater than 90% of AONL membership has high awareness and appreciation of the Foundation’s impact by 2024, and greater than 20% of AONL membership supports the Foundation through personal giving.
Goal 3: A significant increase of rigorous nursing leadership studies published in peer-reviewed journals, averaging three articles per year, is achieved by funding a minimum of two studies each year.
Goal 4: A forum/mechanism is established to coordinate and curate existing and new nursing leadership research findings and leverage the collective ongoing knowledge and efforts of nurse leaders.
Goal 5: At least 20 individual educational scholarships (financial assistance) are awarded to attend AONL education events from 2019 through 2025.
Goal 6: The dissemination of nurse leadership knowledge is accelerated through partnerships/collaboration.