Research Grant History
2015 Grant Recipients:
Jeffrey M. Adams, PHD, RN
Center for Innovations in Care Delivery
Massachusetts General Hospital
Robert Wood Johnson - Executive Nurse Fellow
Boston, MA
Research Project:
Multi-Site Analysis of Nurse Leaders’ Influence Over Professional
Practice Environments
Susan H. Weaver, MSN, RN, CRNI, NEA-B
Education Specialist
Saint Clare's Health System
PhD candidate, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Newark, NJ
Research Project:
Exploring the Administrative Supervisor Role and its Perceived Impact on
Patient Safety
2014 Grant Recipients
Ronald J. Piscotty, Jr., PhD, RN-BC
Assistant Professor, College of Nursing
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan
Research Project:
Electronic Nursing Reminders and Missed Nursing Care
Frank Puga, PhD
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Research Scientist
San Antonio, Texas
Research Project:
A Systems Approach to Inform Interventions that Reduce the
Negative Effects of Stress in Frontline Nurses
Teresa J. Seright, PhD, RN, CCRN
Associate Teaching Professor
MSU College of Nursing
Bozeman, Montana
Research Project:
Determinants of Rural Nurse Executive Competencies: A Delphi Study
2013 Grant Recipients
Ellen Swartwout, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, PhD(c)
George Mason University School of Nursing
Fairfax, VA
Margaret Rodan, PhD
Research Associate Professor, Associate Dean, Master's Division
George Mason University School of Nursing
Fairfax, VA
Research Project:
Nurses' Emotional Response and Disclosure of Errors Following Mistakes in
Clinical Practice
Shirley Sargent, PhD(c), RN, NE-BC
Practice Specialist, Regional Nursing Research Program
Southern California Patient Care Services
Kaiser Permanente
Pasadena, CA
Research Project:
Essential Characteristics of the Chief Nurse Executive:
A Phenomenological Study
Valerie Moore, MSN, RN
Specialist Nursing Informatics
Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH
Sponsored by Cerner Clarivia
Research Project: Dynamic Patient Events: Impact on Nursing Workload,
Staffing, Adverse Events and Omissions of Nursing Care
Recipient of the Michael Warner Nurse Staffing and Outcomes Research Grant
2012 Grant Recipients
Ann Mayo, RN, DNSc, FAAN
Hahn School of Nursing & Health Science, University of San Diego
San Diego, CA
Research Project: A Research Study to Psychometrically Test a
Measure of Leadership Development Outcome
Teri Wicker, PhD, RN
Director of Professional Practice
Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center
Sun City, Ariz.
Research Project: Ready to Lead? Describing Transformational Leadership in
Frontline Nurses
2011 Grant Recipients
Kathleen Capitulo, DNSc, RN, FAAN
Chief Nurse Executive
Lynda Olender, PhDc, ANP, NEA-BC, RN
Executive Consultant
James J. Peters VA Medical Center
Bronx, NY
Research Project:
What is the Impact of a Caring Professional Practice Model with
Shared Governance on Clinical Staff's Caring, Structural Empowerment, and
Workplace Engagement?
Denise K. Gormley, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor
College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
Research Project:
Relationship of Multi-dimensional Organizational Commitment to
Nurse Productivity, Quality of Care and Patient Safety
Sue Lasiter, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor, Department of Adult Health
Indiana University School of Nursing
Indianapolis, IN
Research Project:
Older Adults’ Perceptions of Feeling Safe in Acute Care
2010 Grant Recipients
Patricia Conway-Morana, MAd, RNC, CENP, NEA-BC, CPHQ, FACHE
Chief Nurse Executive
Inova Fairfax Hospital
Falls Church, VA
Research Project: Improving Patient Care through Understanding the Nursing
Lisa Rowen, DNSc, RN, FAAN
Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer,
University of Maryland Medical Center
Baltimore, MD
Research Project: The Effect of Leadership Development Interventions on
Patient and Nurse Outcome
Yolanda Keys, DHA, MSN, RN, NE-BC
Assistant Professor of Nursing and Health Sciences
Texas A&M University
Corpus Christi, TX
Research Project: Generation X Nurse Managers: Exploring Generational
Challenges and the Next Cadre of Nurse Leaders
2009 Grant Recipients
Marie Ankner RN, MS, NEA-BC
New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
New York, NY
Research Project: Nurse Engagement and Patient Satisfaction
Esther Chipps, PhD, RN
Ohio State University Medical Center
Columbus, OH
Research Project: Measuring Safety Behaviors in Nurses: Development of a
New Instrument
Cynthia Kamikawa, RN, MS, NE-BC
The Queens Medical Center
Honolulu, HI
Research Project: Measuring the Impact of Emotional Intelligence
Development in Nurse Managers
2008 Grant Recipients
Lynn Dunn, MSN, MBA, CNA-BC
Community Memorial Hospital
Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
Research Project: Nursing Governance: Building Accountability and
Leaders in Professional Nursing Practice
Karen Hill, RN, MSN, CNAA, BC, FACHE
Central Baptist Hospital
Lexington, KY
Research Project: The Nursing Leadership Succession Map: A Pilot Study
Sharon McLane, MS, MBA, RN-BS, PhD(c)
Houston, Texas
Research Project: Design of Technology Solutions That Strengthen
Patient Care Delivery: Cognitive Artifacts That Support Working
Memory and Decision Making of the Clinical Nurse
Jacqueline Munro, MS, ARNP
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL
Research Project: Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor to Registered Nurse
Job Satisfaction and Practice Environment Satisfaction and the Relationship to
Patient, Nursing and Hospital Outcomes
Trish O’Keefe, MSN, RN, CNA
Morristown Memorial Hospital
Morristown, New Jersey
Research Project: Promoting Cultural Competence with a Shared Governance
Leah Shever, PhD, RN
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Iowa City, Iowa
Research Project: Examining Nurse Manager Behaviors Related to Use of
Evidence-Based Practices on Nursing Units
2007 Grant Recipients
Kathleen B. Cox, PhD, RN
University of Virginia School of Nursing
Charlottesville, VA
Research Project: The Intragroup Conflict Scale: Revision and Testing
Linda Hurwitz, RN, MS, CNAA
Blythedale Children's Hospital
Valhalla, NY
Research Project: Pilot Leadership Training Project for Pediatric Nurses
M. Lindell Joseph, PhD, RN
Florida Hospital Medical Center
Center for Nursing Research & Innovation
Orlando, Florida
Research Project: Nurse Leader Power, Personality and Organizational Culture
in the Early Stages of Shared Governance Implementation
Jane Gentry Llewellyn, DNSc, RN, CNAA
Rush University College of Nursing
Chicago, IL
Research Project: Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Evidence-Based Falls
Risk Screening
Kathryn Lothschuetz Montgomery, PhD, RN
University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Nursing
Baltimore, Maryland
Research Project: Advancing Evidenced Based Practice for Leaders:
An Education and Service Collaboration
Zenaida S. Spangler, PhD, RN
Excelsior College School of Nursing
Albany, New York
Research Project: Care Values, Professional Self-Concept, and Technology
Acceptance of US and Internationally-Educated Nurses
2006 Grant Recipients
Carolyn Brown, PhD, RN
Florida Organization of Nurse Executives
Orlando, FL
Research Project: Florida Organization of Nurse Executives Staffing Study
Edna Cadmus, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Englewood Hospital and Medical Center
Englewood, NJ
Research Project: Readiness of New Jersey Nurses for Evidence-Based Practice
Made possible by a generous gift from Cerner Corporation
Paula A. Carynski, MS, RN, NEA-BC
OSF St. Anthony Medical Center
Rockford, Illinois
Research Project: Implementation of Delirium Assessment Tools and Interventions for Cognitively Impaired Hospitalized Older Adults
Made possible by a generous gift from the John A. Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing
Anna Omery, DNS, RN
Kaiser Permanente
Simi Valley, California
Research Project: Nurse Manager Impact on Patient Safety
Susan E. Shapiro, PhD, RN
UCSF medical Center Department of Nursing
San Franscisco, California
Research Project: Impact of a Computerized-Based Training Module on Insulin Medication Accuracy in Hospitalized Pediatric Patients
Frances Vlasses, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Neihoff School of Nursing
Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Research Project: The Relationship Between Nurse Manager level of Academic Preparation and Staff Outcomes
2005 Grant Recipients
Susan Burkhardt-Jayez, DNP, NP
Samul Stratton VA Medical Center
Albany, New York
Research Project: Research Collaborative: Examining the Connection Between Patient Care, Nursing Sensitive Adverse Events and Environment of Care Intensity
Joanne M. Disch, PhD, RN, FAAN
University of Minnesota School of Nursing
Minneapolis, MN
Research Project: Improving Patient Safety Through Physician-Nurse Partnerships
2004 Grant Recipients
Sandra Gaynor, DNSc, RN
The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Research Project: When the Culture of Disability Meets Ethnicity: A Challenge for Providing Culturally Competent Care
Elaine Smith, EdD, RN
University of North Carolina Hospitals
Chapel Hill, NC
Research Project: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Clinical Leadership Institute on the Performance of Nurse Managers
Paula Spears, DNSc, RN, NEA-BC
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
Memphis, Tenn.
Research Project: Managing Patient Care Error: Nurse Leaders' Perspectives
2003 Grant Recipients
Colleen Goode, PhD, RN, FAAN
Colorado University Hospital
Denver, CO
Research Project: Post-baccalaureate Nurse Residency Program Demonstration Project Evaluation Study
Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC
Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Research Project: The Identification of Factors that Influence the Decisions of Younger Registered Nurses to Consider or Reject Nursing Leadership Positions