2019 FAONL Inductees
Philip Authier, MPH, RN, CENP, FAONL
Phil has modeled balance and culture resulting in national publications on work-life balance and self-care. He also lobbied for patient and quality outcomes as part of the South Dakota nurse practice act.
Jacalyn Buck, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
Through an academic practice partnership with the Ohio State College of Nursing, Jacalyn has implemented a mentor-mentee model resulting in the implementation of over 30 evidence-based projects.
Bob launched a regional telephone nurse triage line to improve appropriate emergency department utilization and reduce health care costs. This program has been replicated in his region.
Stuart Downs, DNP, RN, CENP, FAONL
Stuart led the development of the business plan resulting in the initiation of the AONL Executive Fellowship and continues to be involved as a mentor to this group of leaders.
Cole Edmonson, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
Cole led an initiative changing a nurse competency system to the Donna Wright Model for Real World Competencies. An extension of the model resulted in a 20% improvement in post resuscitation survival rates and recognition by the American Heart Association.
Linda Q. Everett, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
Linda led development of the Indiana University Nursing leadership Partnership, aligning academia and practice with the goal of improving the health of the community; receiving national recognition.
Kimberly S. Glassman PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
Her experience in leading the evacuation of a large, urban hospital during Hurricanes Irene and Sandy, positioned Kimberly as an advisor to FEMA; informing the agency on the importance of hospital infrastructure and the role of nurse leaders in leading emergency preparedness efforts.Cheryl Hoying, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
Cheryl developed an Interprofessional Practice Model resulting in an overarching conceptual framework for nursing and interdisciplinary patient care. The model was identified by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as one of seven that exemplified interprofessional collaboration.Gay Landstrom, Phd, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
Gay created both a new CNO mentoring program and a CNO development program based on the AONE Nurse Executive Competencies; creating stability and decreasing turnover in the CNO role across a health system.