FAONL Application Professional Narrative
The professional narrative you submit will be judged on your description of outcomes that contribute to nursing leadership as well as to the mission and vision of AONL, and that demonstrate an impact beyond your organization. It should be clear to the reviewers what you have accomplished/contributed, how the accomplishments have extended beyond your usual work setting, and what evidence supports those accomplishments. It should also be clear to the reviewers the influence that AONL has had on your leadership evolution and the contributions that you have made to AONL.
There are five (5) criteria within the narrative, each with a specific word limit; applications exceeding the word limit will not be accepted. Provide specific information, outcomes, and national and/or regional impact. When composing your narrative, ensure its organization and clarity.
Criteria for Narrative
Criteria #1 Leadership Evolution (250 words)
Provide evidence of your leadership, including leadership roles within employment and within the profession beyond employment. Focus on milestones with related outcomes and specific achievements.
Criteria #2 AONL Contributions to the Applicant’s Leadership Evolution (250 words)
Provide evidence that highlights how AONL and its state/regional affiliates contributed to your leadership evolution and to your ability to make a professional impact through your leadership. Consider how your leadership evolution would have differed without AONL’s influence.
Criteria #3 Contributions and/or Innovations to Nursing Leadership (500 words)
As a result of your leadership, describe at least one specific innovation or contribution to nursing leadership, the outcomes of that innovation/contribution, and the dissemination of it beyond your employment.
Criteria #4 Contributions to AONL (750 words)
Describe your contributions to AONL and include the outcomes or results of your contributions. Contributions to your AONL affiliate may be cited but must be tied to AONL’s mission and goals.
Criteria #5 Future Leadership Development and Leadership Goals Contribute to the Mission/Vision of AONL (500 words)
Describe how you plan to further develop, expand, or evolve your leadership and what leadership goals will be supported through this development. Further, describe how these future leadership goals complement or advance the mission and vision of AONL.
The review will include whether:
- The narrative is clear, coherent and focused.
- The content of the narrative is well developed and organized.
- The organization of ideas presented is effective.
- The reader benefits from the applicant’s logic and well-developed descriptions of how various Fellow designation criteria have been met.
- The narrative connection to the criteria is clear.
- The narrative is free of grammatical errors and is well edited.